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  • A fruity combination
    of lemon, orange and lime
  • With a refreshing beer
    carefully brewed Pilsner
  • Keep your cool
    with 2.4% alcohol content
  • Returnable
    0.33 liter glass bottles
  • Unfiltered recipe
    for a natural taste

Get on your bikes and ride!

Our RADLER, based on the famous German summer time drink associated with bicycle trips to the park, is the perfect compliment to our existing range of classic drinks.

It’s a winning combination of refreshing Bier and the fruity taste of lemon, orange and lime. Just like all our products, RADLER doesn’t make any promises it can’t deliver. No organic, craft, squirrel-tear, deluxe ooh lala stuff– just a straightforward RADLER you’re gonna want to try again and again.



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